第四空: 一般,英文论文中标点后面需要加空格。举例: I am tired. How about you? 句号和 How之间需要加空格。Moreover, the Li ion battery is perceived as an efficient energy storage device.逗号和the之间加空格。类似的,分号, 问号, 冒号, 感叹号等标点后面也需要加空格 特殊标点的用法 1) 省略号:英文中采用…作为省略号,省略号前后不需空格(注:科技文中省略号用处极少) 2) 括号和引号:引号和括号外面前后都加空格,引号和括号内不需要加空格举例:Hydrogen evolution reaction (OER) has been…The European Union decidedly supported the change to a Hydrogen Economy in 2002 when a group of experts drew up the document “Hydrogen energy and fuel cells—A vision of our future” 3) 用作字母省略号时不需要加空格,例如:I’ll tell you how to do that. 4) 连字符前后不加空格,例如:acid-base combination 5) 两个标点组合时,标点之间不需要空格,例如: Oxygen evolution reaction (OER), known for its slow kinetics, has been...
推荐:本文主要参考Coghill, A., et al., in the ACS Style Guide, American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006. 有需要的朋友请点击阅读原文将它带走,请勿用作商业用途,谢谢! 温馨提示:为避免因公众号排版出现的错误,本文提供PDF版,也在阅读原文中,欢迎大家下载! 注:相关图片来自网络!